8 May 2011

RR-014: Buffering Theories - Prologue (Part 2)

The first month of Term 1 went off quite smoothly. Aurangzeb, Sambaji & Ladykiller were last in Economics after the first round of quizzes. Shivaji who was rooming with The Knight (but not hanging out with them just yet) had become insomniacal due to the rythmic battlecries that the Knight emitted all through the night.Aurangzeb was getting used to listening to high decibel (read jarring) Punjabi Pop blasting till 3 am courtesy The Consultant and hordes of chicks hanging out with Ladykiller at all points of time. The seniors after having ragged them to glory initially had now become good pals.

All in all it was good fun.

And then Shivaji started hanging out with the Conquerors!!!

To understand how this happened one needs to flashback to the time before they joined LLM. The Seniors were doing their summers and eager to help out their as yet to join junior batch. The juniors were extremely eager to know intricate details which would help define their future at the college (dress codes, hostel food, vehicle parking, eating out places, beach parties...............in short everything apart from the course). So a group was created for these extremely important queries and everything was hunky dory with the same queries being repeated over and over again and ditto with the answers till one day Sarcozy entered the fray.

Now Sarcozy at that point of time was a complete mystery. Initially nobody even knew who he was - junior/ senior/ hacker maybe?. He was in fact a senior who was very good at writing extremely sarcastic emails and really loved to make fun of many of the silly queries which most juniors tended to ask.

And it all began like this. A chick had a query (yes everything starts with chicks !!!)about the same extremely important stuff mentioned about earlier. Since this was like the hundreth query on the same topic, there came a very sarcastic riposte from Sarcozy. Seeing a battle brewing up, Shivaji and Sambaji saw the chance to score some brownie points with the chick by defending her......... err virtual honour.

Over the next few days, there began a series of battles with the two trading insults with Sarcozy who gve back with equal gusto. Interestingly the lady whose honour was being defended was virtually nowhere to be seen during this interval. To cut a long story short it concluded by Shivaji and Sambaji asking Sarcozy to "get a life !" and Sarcozy in turn calling them a gay couple. Even more interestingly, post the mayhem,which went on for a couple of weeks, the chick re-appeared and posted that she had loved Sarcozy's sarcasm and would love to meet up with him, thus leaving both Shivaji and Sambaji red faced and nowhere to hide.

This resulted in not only some added spice in the ragging sessions which happened when they joined campus but also some bonding between them thus resulting in Shivaji eventually hanging out with them. Now Shivaji's addition to the group brought out a latent dimension in the group. While on the surface they all joked about his cluster bombing theories and his sink before you swim attitude, they all secretly admired him. And so it was that these six guys hung out a lot together. Most nights they would be found at their regular watering hole called Angels. They never quite figured out why they hung out so much there..............maybe it was the cheap booze, or the strictly ok food or the proximity to campus.

So the only person left to join the band was The Buffer. And they bumped into him a month down the line, or he literally bumped himself into them.

It was a week night. There wernt any particular assignments to do, and they were all still recovering from their previous night's binge. A good night thought Aurangzeb to sleep a little early (early was 12 am)and get some much needed shuteye. But just as he was straightening out the blankets, in walked Sambaji and The Buffer. Sambaji and The Buffer had discovered that they were acquainted and Sambaji wanted to share his sorrow with the rest. So in came The Buffer, introduced himself and promptly plonked himself on the floor...............for the next three hours. After half an hour of polite conversation, Aurangzeb started giving tiny yawns hoping The Buffer would take the hint. He did not. After another half hour of not so polite conversation, Aurangzeb gave bigger yawns accompanied by sound bytes. The Buffer still did not notice. After another half an hour, Aurangzeb tunneled under the sheets and pretended to be asleep hoping The Buffer would atleast now go away. But he still did not. Though they did not know it then, this was the moment when The Buffer actually became The Buffer designate. If he could just walk into a room and have a monologue with three almost complete strangers who were trying their best to escape, then he could well buffer anybody else on campus.

But by the end of term 1, they had all gelled together quite well and thus started The Buffering Theory.

1. All characters are fictional. Resemblance, if any is purely coincidental.
2. Kindly refer the opening post on Buffering Theories for any reference to the main characters.


Obstinate Thinker said...

Hahaha!!! Excellent!! :) I loved it!! How they all came together!! :)

jason said...

Awesome :)looking forward to the next chapter of the history.

Sameer Phal said...

the honour of the lady & the sabotage theories. looking forward to more unravelling of the mysteries

RR - 028: When Bob got Directly Marketed

This is an incident which happened with Bob when he was working Down South. Bob was staying on rent in an apartment which was situated on...